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Enviroprobe performs various marine geophysical services. Enviroprobe specializes in inland and near shore marine geophysics. We typically work in ocean depths of 120’/40meters or less.

Bathymetric Mapping:

Utilizing echo sounding systems to map the submerged topography.

Side Scan Sonar Survey:

For mapping of submerged objects distributed over the sea floor or the bottoms of lakes, ponds, and rivers.

Seismic Subbottom Profiling:

Map bathymetry and sediment/bedrock strata underlying the water bottom.

Marine Resistivity:

Direct current (DC) electrical resistivity is a geophysical technique that has long been used to characterize the subsurface. Marine resistivity combines the precision of DC electrical resistivity methods with the collection speed of traditional EM techniques. By towing an electrode array behind a ship and continuously recording data with the AGI SuperSting R8 Marine© unit, the marine resistivity set-up can record many times the line-distance of traditional electrical resistivity land systems. Applications include characterizing sediment type (sand vs. clay), identifying zones of submarine groundwater discharge, and mapping geologic structures.


Sub bottom bedrock fracture locating


Sub bottom geologic mapping

Ground Penetrating Radar:

Map submerged objects and subbottom sediment/bedrock strata. GPR can only be used in fresh-water (not useful in salt-water environments).

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