Enviroprobe Services Employs Geoprobe® SDT60 WWL for 420-ft Soil Boring Project
Sept 24, 2015

Tim Gallagher, President of Enviroprobe Services in Moorestown, NJ, was recently awarded a project that required a 420-ft soil boring outside of Newark, NJ. Tim was no stranger to Geoprobe® sonic tooling as his crew had already performed several soil borings using the Geoprobe® SDT60 (Sonic Dual Tube system for 6-in. casing). Tim saw the SDT45 Weighted Wireline system (WWL) demonstrated at the Geoprobe® Sonic Field Day in New Jersey last fall and read about it in the 2015 Spring Probing Times, so he asked if Geoprobe® could assist with the project.
You can read more in Fall 2015 The Probing Times.
National Driller’s Interview with Tim Gallagher, owner of Enviroprobe
June 3, 2015

Tim Gallagher, owner, and founder of New Jersey-based Enviroprobe Service Inc. made his way into the drilling industry about 20 years ago. He’s expanded the environmental monitoring company to include a vaster array of geophysical services over the years, but drilling for samples remains the core offering. His ascent in the drilling industry wasn’t always the plan. He graduated with a finance degree and went to work for a bank in the mid-’90s, but when that industry started laying off he decided to make a change. Now that he’s brought the business up, he’s applying his cautiously optimistic tactics to stimulate growth without compromising longevity.
Read the complete article online at National Driller.
National Driller discussed Enviroprobe’s new low-disturbance Dando Sonic Drill Rig
Dec 29, 2014

Tom Way, for National Driller, spoke with Tim Gallagher, CEO of Enviroprobe about their recent investment in a new Dando Sonic Drilling Rig. Driven by the growing demand for sampling and testing in more difficult geologies, such as Northern New Jersey's typical glacial till, Tim recognized a different approach was necessary. After evaluating several options Enviroprobe chose the Dando SDC375 sonic rig.
Gallagher has been pleased since receiving the rig and has been impressed by its versatility so far and by the continual support from the manufacturer. “The Dando SDC375 substantially increases the scope of work we are able to offer at Enviroprobe,” he says. “Our early tests with the rig show that we are going to be able to offer our customers faster drilling rates and better samples at greater depths and in a wider variety of geologies than ever before.”