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Packer testing is a test for measuring the permeability of ground in sections of boreholes. Pneumatic packers have been an increasingly valuable tool for consultants analyzing borehole characteristics. Packers can be used to determine the water quality in discrete zones in both cased and uncased wells. Packers to determine the hydraulic characteristics of distinct zones within a borehole.


The first phase of the process usually involves geophysical logging and flow profiling of the wells. Detailed borehole logging is essential in visually identifying fractures and possible water producing zones. Enviroprobe utilizes televiewers and caliper logs which are necessary to evaluate the integrity of the well casings and to provide reliable physical down-hole data of the wells. Typically, a flow distribution profile is then completed to help characterize flow patterns in the wells and to determine the location of the water producing features. This information is then used to select isolation points for a series of packer tests, which usually occurs in a second mobilization to the site.


Enviroprobe Service completes packer tests by isolating specific sections of consolidated formations. By lowering and inflating the packer in the borehole, water-quality samples can be collected and aquifer tests can be conducted. These tests will allow you to understand the vertical distribution of water quality (usually contaminants) and hydraulic conductivity (pathways for water and contaminant movement) in an aquifer.


This information helps identify the various water producing zones and correlate the geology across the site, which in turn helps to determine the necessary course of action for resolving potential groundwater issues. Monitoring water levels in nearby wells while pumping packed intervals can identify permeable intervals within the aquifer. Information from these packer tests can be used to properly place the future location of monitoring wells and typically saves on cost over nested wells.

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