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Watch Out The Ends Of Fiberglass USTs For Drilling
It's a very common practice for environmental consultants to get soil samples around underground storage tanks (USTs). The selection of...

GPR Scanning For Concrete Footing
Ground penetrating radar (GPR) has many applications. One of its applications in engineering is to delineate lateral extents of footings...

GPR Survey With Snow Or Ice Cover On The Ground
"The ground is snow covered, is it OK for the GPR survey?" This is a very common question from our clients. Ground penetrating radar...

How Accurate Is Underground Utility Locating?
One question we get frequently from our clients is: how accurate is underground utility locating? The alternate question is: what's the...

Ground Penetrating Radar To Estimate Subsurface Layer Thickness Such As Concrete And Soil Cover
When there is a good penetration depth for ground penetrating radar (GPR), GPR can be used to estimate thicknesses of subsurface layers....

Misconception of “Concrete GPR”
We’re frequenctly requested by clients to bring “concrete GPR” to sites for searching something underground. However, sometimes these...

An Unexpected Underground Storage Tank Found During Utility Markout
Enviroprobe conducted an underground utility locating survey at a gas station in Morristown, NJ. During the process of searching for...

Underground Utility Locating in Gas Stations
Prior to drilling, digging, trenching, and excavating, it is essential to know where underground utility lines are located. It’s...
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